Planning to Study a Musical Instrument in College? Here’s how to Discover a Great Teacher.

How does one evaluate their teacher? This is a tough one to answer primarily because it is virtually impossible to know during a short trial lesson everything you’d like to know about someone and how they will react to you as a student. No matter how famous they are as a performer or a pedagogue and how many successful students they’ve had, how they might work with you or what you can expect from them is an important thing to try and figure out if possible. 

Guide to Summer Music Camps and Similar Programs of Study

Young girl playing guitar at summer music camp
Every summer, thousands of young musicians attend educational programs across the United States and beyond. They include workshops, festivals, institutes, and other events, but we will refer to all of them as camps in this post to keep things simple.

Guide to Summer Music Camps and Similar Programs of Study

Young girl playing guitar at summer music camp
Every summer, thousands of young musicians attend educational programs across the United States and beyond. They include workshops, festivals, institutes, and other events, but we will refer to all of them as camps in this post to keep things simple.