Writing College Essays for Music School

Writing College Essays For Music School
Those of you engaged in writing college essays about music, grad-school term papers, or applications for careers in the music industry are gaining awareness of the importance of developing solid writing skills.

Summer Music Programs Can Lead to College Acceptance

Discussion music education with Steve Lipman
For any high school sophomore or junior college music major, there is no better way to test the waters than enrolling in a reputable summer music program. These programs can give you a glimpse of the field you want to pursue...

The Finer Points of Interviews for Music Schools

Top musicians know thoughtful preparation is the best way to succeed on their next big performance. The same holds true for students planning for college admissions interviews. You can think of this interview as perhaps one of your...

How to Prepare for Your Music College Auditions

Steve Lipman with drumset player
The finish of the first semester of the school year means that the time for applying to colleges is coming to a close. We hope you’ll soon be receiving invitations to go to college music auditions at many of the schools to which you applied. Even if you’re confident...