Tanisha Lokwani’s College Experience at Berklee


“Be so ridiculously authentic that they have a hard time putting you in a box.” 

These are the words Tanisha Lokwani uses to advise younger students about music school auditions. But they easily apply to Tanisha herself. 

Just a few short years ago, Tanisha was a high school student in Dubai who dreamed of attending Berklee College of Music.  A classical pianist and self-produced singer-songwriter, she worked with Inside Music Schools to help her navigate the complex music school application process, further complicated as an international student

Fast-forward three years later, and not only is Tanisha a Berklee student double majoring in Music Production & Engineering and Film & Media Scoring, but she is also preparing to graduate early.

A woman is seated in front of a recording studio's sound equipment.

Approaching Graduation as a Double Music Major at Berklee

At the crossroads of graduation, Tanisha admits she feels like she is living in a dream and expects she’ll wake up and realize that she still has four more years of schooling. “That would mean that I don’t have to deal with being a real person yet…” she jokes. But, in all honesty, she feels very prepared by Berklee to put her “skills to the test.” 

Getting the Most Out of the College Experience

Describing the school as a place where a student has the flexibility to “make your own path,” Tanisha has been focused on getting the most out of her education, prompting the decision to declare a double major. Not one to pass on any opportunity, she’s created a balance between hard work and time for extracurriculars. Available recording time? She’s there. The practice room is open? It’s hers for a while. This open-minded approach has made Tanisha a resource for other students and resulted in an overall experience that has been “…very well-rounded and complete.” 

 “I get to do this for the rest of my life. This is exactly where I belong.” – Tanisha Lokwani

Personal Growth, Technical Know-How, & Making Connections

Personal growth has been a considerable part of Tanisha’s journey. She vividly remembers a time when she was in her junior year and was concerned that she didn’t have the technical know-how to graduate. Walking into a four-hour session with the giant soundboard staring back, she felt the sheer weight of the musicians who were relying on her skills. And then something amazing happened. Friends and colleagues showed up to help her, and before she knew it, she was patching and labeling the board. Others, including new students, were looking to her for her opinion and direction. It was a landmark moment. She remembers thinking, “I get to do this for the rest of my life. This is exactly where I belong.” 

Tanisha believes strongly in the kind of validation she received that day. As a younger student, she joined the Mentorship Program as a Music Production & Engineering major. Silently sitting in the corner, she absorbed as much knowledge as she could about recording and sessions. Now a mentor herself, she sees new students quietly learning and welcomes them to the “community-based” program, watching them flourish just like she did. 

Advice for Upcoming Music Majors and Their College Experience 

For all that she has learned so far, Tanisha views her path as one filled with continued learning experiences. Initially interested in performance, she found herself drifting more toward audio. She travels with drumsticks, is open to spontaneous practice sessions, and has decided to learn more about guitar and keyboards to enhance her knowledge of production and engineering. 

As her time at college draws to a close, she advises younger students to be as well-rounded as they possibly can. “Engagement is key,” she says, and non-music-related activities are equally important. Tanisha recalls feeling intimidated when she started music school, but the full college experience imparted wisdom. “You have to learn to see past the skill around you and use it as a way of pushing yourself instead of bringing yourself down.”  

Additional College Application Steps for International Students

International students, like Tanisha, have additional aspects of the application process to manage. From a student’s perspective, these requirements can mean extra time and planning. While requirements are subject to change, international applicants can expect to send their transcripts to a professional organization specializing in translation and evaluation. They will likely be asked to show proficiency in English, which can be done through several standardized tests such as the TOEFL or IELTS, and the SAT or ACT requirements will vary widely depending on the school. Once admitted, international students must provide proof of financial support or funding to get an I20 from the schools. After receiving an I20, students need to make an appointment with the proper agency, depending on their country, to get a student visa. There may also be additional requirements for medical insurance and other school-specific items.

Counseling for College and Career From Inside Music Schools

Looking ahead, Los Angeles is calling, and Tanisha will work as a Runner for a studio after graduation. She’s excited to continue connecting with new people in the industry and growing her professional network “In January, I’m going to move, and Berklee is all over. L.A., New York, Nashville, etc. It’s spread out, but it’s still there. Finding those people now and keeping in touch with them is what I’m here for. That’s the value.”

It’s been a long journey filled with learning experiences and many new connections. But she didn’t build and travel the path alone. Friends and colleagues were there along the way. And it was Inside Music Schools that helped Tanisha determine her school choice and assisted in building her confidence for Berklee auditions. “It was great from the beginning to the end. All of the mock auditions and interviews were very helpful.” 

If you’re thinking of building your own career in music, contact us today to start your own musical path.  

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Liam Pendergrass

Liam Pendergrass is a professional multi-instrumentalist, singer-songwriter, and educator from central North Carolina. He currently performs as a touring solo artist, band leader for blues/funk trio “Liam & The Nerdy Blues”, and lead guitarist for indie rock band “Swim in the Wild.” Liam is a Catawba College alumni and former adjunct that has performed and recorded with many noteworthy musicians during his career. Aside from performance, Liam specializes in private guitar, bass, and music theory instruction and works as a writer and researcher for Inside Music Schools.

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