TURNING POINT: The Move from High School to College.

Moving from high school to college, especially the first semester, can be challenging for many students, even those who have attended live-away summer programs.  The change will have many students experiencing both excitement and anxiety at the same time.  Enjoying the excitement and controlling the anxiety are keys to first semester success.

A short guide to the perfect undergraduate audition.

The audition is a vital part of many admissions decisions. How you look on paper may have gotten you through the door, but how you perform in your audition can very well make the difference in your acceptance to the music school or conservatory of your dreams. Be that as it may, the point of this blog is to steady those nerves and help guide you through the audition process. This is an exciting time after all.

Steven Lipman Interview

This interview speaks to Steven Lipman's time at Berklee, and offers an inside look at the thought process behind being the head of admissions at a major University. This interview also speaks to the heart and passion he possesses, and offers a detailed look at the mentality behind his consulting company, Inside Music Schools.

Tips for Making Better Recordings at Home

Although it is not usually physically or financially possible to build the “ideal” recording studio in an apartment or home, there are ways to make a good sounding recording in any environment.